Broadview Collaborative, Inc.

Through my life, I’ve had the good fortune to use a wide variety of toilets, and I’m always on the look-out for new signage. Especially appreciated are the ones that make...

Last summer many of you followed the story of my mother’s shocking water bill, commiserating and making suggestions for how to deal with her water provider. I’m happy to report (a...

Last month my mother received a water bill that was ten times her normal quarterly payment. I felt all three aspects of her pain and frustration. First, there was the financial...

Here we are, just a little over two months since the first confirmed U.S. coronavirus infection. The first confirmed COVID-19 death in the U.S. was less than six weeks ago, right...

A few weeks ago, Shadi Eskaf if the University of North Carolina’s Environmental Finance Center posted a series of two blogs on his household water use. The first simply showed the...